About Dr. Cary Wing
Dr. Cary Wing
Cary Wing, EdD, has been a leader in the medical fitness industry for over 25 years and most recently served as Executive Director of the Medical Fitness Association (MFA). Currently she is actively involved in uniting healthcare and fitness throughout the industry.
Phone: N/A
Email: caryhwing@aol.com
Previous Articles
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Articles
Marketing to Physicians
Five (Affordable) Tips for Success
September 2012 - Have you been thinking lately that your health club has spent considerable time and energy developing a solid medical fitness platform but the physician referrals have yet to materialize? Where are these referrals and the potential new members? What do you need to do to connect your health club with physicians in your community? Read Article...
Medical Fitness
Is Your Club Part of the "Trend" ?
February 2012 - Since the Exercise is Medicine (EIM) initiative was launched in 2007 by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), there has been increased exposure for the medical fitness model. A key component of the model is the physician referral pathway and a physician's involvement in an individual's continuum of care or circle of health. Read Article...
Medical Fitness and the Physician Referral Pathway
January 2011 - The November 2010 Edition of Club Insider included an article entitled, "Time for Doctors to Prescribe Exercise." This excellent commentary, written by Joe Moore and Edward Phillips, MD, emphasized the important role physicians can play in increasing the physical activity levels of adults in the United States. Read Article...
Medical Fitness Facility Certification
December 2010 - Several years ago, the health and fitness industry began to acknowledge and embrace the concept of medical fitness facility certification. The importance and significance of providing programs and services that are held to a higher set of standards and guidelines is fundamental in eliciting trust and confidence within the healthcare system, as well as members of the community. Read Article...
The Medical Fitness Model
Defining the Difference
November 2010 - The country is witnessing a significant transformation in how physicians, healthcare providers and the public view strategies to reduce the risk of disease and to maintain a lifetime of healthy living. Initiatives such as Exercise is Medicine are evidence that the entire healthcare industry is embracing the concept of prevention and disease management through health education and regular participation in physical activity. Read Article...
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Articles