Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: July 2016

Dr. Gerry Faust
Doctor of the Grand Problem Solving Event - Part I

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesAlmost ten years ago, when I was graduating from college, I learned something very important: My time as a student was not over. In fact, it was just beginning, and the skills I learned during my 16 years of education were merely to prepare me for the ultimate study, that of life and business. To be successful in any medium, you must never relent in your passion to learn and improve. Without such passion, then what you are doing might not be the right thing for you. Within the health and fitness club industry, the tools for that commitment to excel beyond what you already know into the realm of what you can know are numerous. This month, Club Insider is truly honored and pleased to present the story of Dr. Gerry Faust, who is responsible for several important tools that many of the true greats in our industry have been utilizing for years. Read More

Do You Have a Culture of Sales Accountability in Your Gym?
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasAre you and your managers doing everything you can to create a culture of accountability in sales and sales management? I hear this frequently from gym owners... Yes, we hold them accountable, but the job is still not being done. Of course, it begs the question: What exactly are you holding them accountable for? What are the consequences? Are you even holding them accountable for the right thing? Read More

Details Matter
By: Bill McBride

Bill McBrideBill McBrideA Life Well Lived is about each Moment in Life. Just like life moments, success is a matter of each detail. Vision and Strategy are critical to success, but it's the execution of operational and logistic details that win the day. In our business of member experience, safety, results and delivering service excellence, mastering the details is the difference between well-intentioned and actual stellar outcomes. I'd like to share some of the details that may seem individually small in nature but have a great combined impact on being excellent. The great news is this approach doesn't cost anything (or very little) to implement. It does, however, require your commitment to being great at delivering the best experience for your members. Read More

Achieving a Gold Medal in Customer Service
By: Melissa Knowles

Melissa KnowlesMelissa KnowlesWith the Olympic Games fast approaching, our attention will soon turn toward watching the world's best athletes compete. Those who are the best-of-the-best will walk away with gold medals. It's truly impressive to watch a performance at such an elite level. So much time and preparation has gone into just a few moments of competition. We respect the effort and marvel at the results. But, shouldn't we be striving for the same level of performance in our businesses? Don't our members deserve such a diligent effort and commitment to excellence? As you consider your commitment to providing an exceptional member experience, here are five factors to consider. Read More

From One Club to Another:
Three Ways to Keep Talent

By: Angie Pattengale

Angie PattengaleAngie PattengaleThere's a private personal training studio on the first floor of our office (at NFPT HQ). I don't work inside a large club setting, but I've been in the industry for 20+ years. I know trainers, I know clubs and I know that you can take what works for the smaller setting and scale it to benefit the larger. Now, because I'm realistic, I also know that you can't always take the perks of the small-town feel and make it big-city homey. However, when the goal is keeping talented employees (or contractors), it is possible. I speak specifically of avoiding turnover in your personal trainer department (but, bonus, these principles can apply to just about any department). Read More

Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Step 6 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional

By: Laurie Cingle

Laurie CingleLaurie CingleA programming professional is a person who is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's discuss Step #6: Ensure Participant Success in the Program. Read More

Planet Fitness CEO, Chris Rondeau, Named 2016 Ey Entrepreneur of the Year Award Winner In New England Region
NEWINGTON, N.H. - EY announced that Chris Rondeau, Chief Executive Officer of Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE: PLNT), one of the largest and fastest-growing franchisors and operators of fitness centers in the United States, received the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2016 Award in the Consumer Services category in New England. Read More

Planet Fitness Ranked One of The Best Franchises In America By Forbes
NEWINGTON, N.H. - Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE: PLNT), one of the largest and fastest-growing franchisors and operators of fitness centers in the United States, ranked #4 on Forbes' annual list of America's Best and Worst Franchises in the category of best franchises with an initial investment of $500,000 and over. Read More

A Letter From John McCarthy and Response From Justin Cates
Dear Todd, Chad, Norm and Justin, I just finished reading every single word of the wonderful interview article on LVAC in the latest edition of Club Insider. This wonderful article has to be one of your all-time masterpieces... It contains not only the fabulous history of LVAC, but also, tangentially, the history of so many of the historic leaders of the industry back almost to its beginning... Jack LaLanne, Ray Wilson, Don Wildman, your wonderful Dad and Mom (Rudy and Virginia), Andy Palluck, Bill Pearl, etc., etc., etc. Read More

Norm's Notes for July 2016
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with monthly edition #271, and we are coming around the mountain to our 24th Anniversary! How SWEET IT IS! Haha! I hope you will plan on getting in on our 24th Anniversary Celebration at The Club Industry Show in Chicago since that October 12-14th event will mark 24 years since we launched Club Insider in 1993. Read More

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