Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: January 2009

Brian Evans' American Family Fitness Clubs
A Class Act In Richmond, Virginia

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesTRUST. Hey folks... I bet that word will make some of you remember Club Insider's June 2008 edition, in which this author brought forth the argument that for our industry to truly begin to tap into the 260 million U.S. citizens who are not now doing business with us... we would have to build trust in our communities. Brian Evans has made trust building in the Richmond, and Central (Fredericksburg) Virginia-area, where he owns and operates 7 upscale American Family Fitness clubs, a mainstay of his operation. Read More

James Weaver, New CEO of Gold's Gym International, Plans to Use Tried and True Methods
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesLast month I mentioned I'd be getting in touch with Mr. James Weaver, the new CEO of Gold's Gym International (GGI), to get a feel for the man and information for a report to you on what his plans for GGI are. I made the call and this report summarizes a one-hour conversation I had with this veteran businessman right before Christmas. Weaver is a truly experienced business veteran in his mid-sixties who has only held three jobs in his entire life. Read More

The "Insider Speaks"
A Change of Attitude!

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHere we go! A New Year! Happy New Year everybody! This article is intended to pump your staff up! Read on, and you will find out WHY 2009 can be a great year for our industry and for all the people in our business who have a positive ATTITUDE! Yeah... I know... you already live and breathe with a positive attitude! But hey... I'm not writing to you here today... I'm writing to your staff. Read More

It Starts With You
Make it Happen!

By: Ray Gordon

Ray GordonRay GordonThe great thing about being in health club membership sales is all the opportunities we have to help people do the right thing. The statistics are overwhelming that exercise produces positive results. Even very moderate exercise on a consistent routine results in beneficial health changes. Your club provides the vehicle for them to get safer, faster results which in turn, motivates them to continue and make an important lifestyle change. Read More

Pulling Profit Out of 'Thin' Air
A New Non-Dues Profit Center To Someday Rival Personal Training!

By: Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna KrechI have thought a lot about what I have written here. After my thought process, and by conferring with Norm Cates, Publisher of Club Insider, he and I have come to one conclusion, and we are pretty sure of its validity. That is... there is an existing misimpression in the health/fitness club industry about what The Weight Loss Industry actually is. Read More

How Much Is Enough?
By: Michael Grondahl

Michael GrondahlMichael GrondahlWhen it comes to spending money on marketing, some people say you should devote a percentage of your gross sales. Others say you should spend whatever you can afford. But in my opinion, you spend whatever amount you can make work. Read More

A New Year's Mindset
By: Shawn Vint

Shawn VintShawn VintA New Year is often the time for a re-invention of sorts. Some of us pre-plan the life changes we intend to implement prior to the 'big day' of January 1st, while others simply wake-up one morning early in the New Year and say... 'ENOUGH!' Moving forward from that 'enough' moment is a fairly simple endeavor for some... cutting back a bit on the apple pie and ice cream or beginning to frequent the gym on a regular basis again once the Christmas season is behind them. Read More

Staying the Course
Nine Factors

By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsSeveral clubs who have strong, proactive marketing programs and well-developed sales training and management systems showed strong gains (5-9%) in Fall sales. Most seem to be finishing the year with higher profits and lower sales. This reflects a long-term commitment to regular cost cutting and building non-dues revenue. Read More

Industry New Year's Resolution Needs To Be
A Revolution In the Way We Think And What We Offer the Consumer

By: Ed Trainor

Ed TrainorEd TrainorWith the New Year and New Year's resolutions on top of everyone's mind, this year's economic concerns will certainly influence how both consumers and businesses focus on the promises they make. The good news is that improving one's health and fitness is usually one of the first promises made by many consumers. The bad news is that many of those efforts are short lived. Read More

Programming Tip of the Month
The Goal of Programming is Retention

By: Sandy Coffman

Sandy CoffmanSandy CoffmanThe New Year is underway, and you have lots of new members. You also have lots of active members that need to be re-energized, inactive members that need new beginnings and potential members that will look to you to help them keep their New Year's Resolutions alive. Your programming agenda must include exciting promotions and new ideas that will benefit each and every member. Read More

World Gym Returns to Its Roots!
World Gym returns to its roots in Southern California! World Gym International has been purchased by the Joyce J. Cammilleri family, and they are wasting no time in putting together their new team. Family spokesman, Guy Cammilleri, stated, "We are thrilled to have purchased World Gym and to announce that the company will return to Southern California." Read More

IHRSA Joins Certification Process
BOSTON, MA - The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) recently announced their participation in an initiative to create a voluntary certification process for fitness facilities. The goal is to strengthen the health and fitness industry and raise its standing as the quality provider of safe and healthy exercise. Read More

U.S. Health and Fitness Industry Push "Self Care Reform" in 2009
BOSTON, MA - As legislators and the new Administration ring in the New Year tackling the challenges of health care reform in a weak economy, the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) will be actively promoting "self-care reform" and encouraging all Americans to get moving for their physical and fiscal well-being. Read More

Amy Simpson Hired as Visual Fitness Planner Vice President of Operations
FORT WORTH, TX - Amy Simpson has joined The Visual Fitness Planner as Vice President of Operations; it was announced by President/CEO, Daron Allen and Founder, Mario Bravomalo. The Visual Fitness Planner, celebrating its 10th year anniversary, is a completely customized technology platform, creating a unique, visually powerful and successful sales and retention process for facilities in the Health and Fitness Industry. Read More

CheckFree Delivering Webinars by Karen Woodard-Chavez
Karen Woodard-Chavez, renowned sales, operations, management and customer service training consultant for the health and fitness industry, will provide a system for clubs to dramatically increase non-dues revenue within 90 days. Read More

BTS Turns Stock Market Losses Into Gains For Clubs
Financial Program to Support Clubs in Tough Economy

ATLANTA, GA - Body Training Systems (BTS), leaders in branded group fitness, are turning recent stock market losses into savings for club owners. This could be a first for clubs --a way to lock in a profit of $2,075 or more on a stock transaction that is used as a savings with BTS. The exciting aspect of this financial program is the application to both new and existing customers. Read More

Norm's Notes for January 2009
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm Catesstrong>Hello everybody and Happy New Year! This is your Club Insider Publisher Since 1993 checking in! Hey... Hey... what 'da 'ya say!? Let's all get moving and make some hay!(Heck... I'm a poet and don't know it!) This is a blockbuster edition, just for you folks, to kick off a Blockbuster 2009! Read More

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