Club Insider

About Geoff Hampton

Geoff HamptonGeoff Hampton

Geoff Hampton is the Vice President of Development at Active Entities Consulting

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Previous Articles

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Proaction for Profit
July 2000 - Read Article...

The "Golden Opportunities"
Non-Traditional Markets

June 2001 - Read Article...

The Fight for Independent Club Operators
From The Battle of New Orleans to The Battle for Independents

April 2021 - History has a way of repeating itself, doesn't it? As we begin to move forward from the challenges 2020 brought to the industry, I see so many similarities from where it all began. In the beginning, there were two distinctly different types of "fitness" businesses. One was the long established, traditional health club and the other was the racquet sports business, featuring mostly racquetball and tennis clubs. The racquetball clubs used a membership system called, "pay as you go," with a small annual fee; then, you only paid again when you used the club to play racquetball. Tennis clubs had the same basic format... Read Article...

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Health, Wellness and Lifestyle Services