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About Dennie Noecker

Dennie NoeckerDennie Noecker

Dennie Noecker is a Senior Executive Recruiter at JLR Associates and a 40-year veteran in the Health, Racquet and Sports Club Industry.

Phone: (609) 430 - 8455

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The Anatomy of a Bad Hire
July 2014 - I frequently hear the following story: "I don't understand what went wrong. I was looking for a General Manager (this could be any position in your organization) for months. I finally found a GM with the background, skills and experience I was looking for. Yet, it has been six months, and most of the things I was looking for them to do have not been done." Does this sound familiar to you? If so, I can assure you that you are not alone. As an executive recruiter who has filled high-level positions in our industry from coast to coast, I have heard this story many times. I'd like to share some ideas with you, that if you are willing to try, will dramatically reduce your hiring mistakes. Read Article...

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