Club Insider

About Denise Johnson

Denise JohnsonDenise Johnson

Denise has worked for The Claremont Club as the Wellness Director since 1998. She holds her Masters Degree in Exercise Science and is certified by ACSM, NSCA, AFAA, TRX, Power Plate and Ropes. She has created, implemented and directs the club's Living Well after Cancer, Pediatric Cancer Programs, Support Groups and Project Walk Claremont. These special programs are the core of the club and her biggest accomplishments. Assisting those who are disabled to see their true potential and reach goals they never thought possible through programs her team has developed.

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Previous Articles

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Are We Ready for the 55+ Market Growth?
July 2019 - Aging adults (age 55 and older) is a market that is growing fast and will continue to grow for the next 20-30 years. This is a unique population requiring a different set of needs, interests and desires. So, the questions become: are we, as a fitness industry, ready for this? Do we, as fitness professionals, have an understanding of the needs of this market to correctly train this population? I had the pleasure of taking the Functional Aging Specialist Certification through the Functional Aging Institute at the IDEA Convention this past June, and with that experience, I learned a great deal about training this population in a way I had not thought about before. Read Article...

Exercise IS Medicine!
May 2017 - I have been the Director of Wellness at The Claremont Club for 19 years, and in that time, my role has expanded and grown to include many more responsibilities. The one which has inspired me most is community outreach. In my position, this translates to finding a place in our facility to accommodate everyone, including those with spinal cord injuries, ALS, PLS, MS, TBI, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke and a host of other special populations. The Claremont Club is a place that able-bodied, as well as the disabled, feel safe, welcomed and accepted... a home away from home. Read Article...

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