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About Brenda Abdilla

Brenda AbdillaBrenda Abdilla

Brenda Abdilla is passionate about momentum. She likes results-oriented action so much she founded her company on the principle of moving people and organizations forward. Brenda is a skilled professional mentor using her experience and advanced tools to help motivated professionals reach their desired outcomes. Those outcomes include promotions, career-changes, higher productivity, better internal relations; most anything that moves a person's career or business forward. Brenda is the author of two books about getting results at work with a third book underway. Sign up for her free newsletter and inquire about hiring Brenda's Management Momentum at

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Previous Articles

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3 Things Managers Should Stop Doing
And What To Do Instead...

October 2012 - Managing a team can be a tremendous amount of pressure. Face it, if most managers and leaders knew how much pressure it would be to manage others while still getting results, they may not have taken the job. Read Article...

Create the Life of Your Dreams
Using Very Practical Methods

September 2013 - Imagine for a moment that it's six months from today and you are having a beverage with a good friend. You are telling your friend that you are the best you have been in years; physically, financially, mentally and in your relationships as well. Your numbers at work are off the charts (in a good way), and your team is collaborating and coming up with ideas that are truly inspiring. Read Article...

Helping Your Team Embrace BIG Change
February 2013 - Why do people seemingly "lose their minds" when it comes to big change? If you have ever led a team through a big change like a merger and acquisition, a leadership upheaval or even a software change, you may have noticed that people become a bit unhinged by it. Wouldn't it be great if people just accepted the inevitability of change and even expected it? Embraced it? Read Article...

How to Dump a Sales Slump
January 1995 - Read Article...

Managing Your Selling Time
March 1994 - Read Article...

Marketing For Results
July 1999 - Read Article...

New Year Planning Checklist for Success
November 1997 - Read Article...

Selling in the Zone
May 1994 - Read Article...

The 10 Most Common Sales Mistakes
January 1994 - Read Article...

What Really Makes a Top Sales Producer?
November 2012 - The most common question asked by my sales manager clients is, "What should I be looking for in a sales rep or a business developer in today's environment?" Not only do they wonder what they should look for in their hiring endeavors, but they are also at a loss when it comes to knowing which skills to develop in their current team. Sales managers already have their hands full with the combination of a hard-to-read market, the pressure to perform and the stress of constant changes at work, so it's hard to know where to begin. Read Article...

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