Club Insider

How AI Revolutionizes Personal Training Sales

An Insightful Q&A with Victor "VMan" Verhage

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Gary PolicGary Polic

In the rapidly evolving fitness industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a game-changer, especially in selling personal training packages and programs. Polic Consultants Group, LLC caught up with Victor "VMan" Verhage, a visionary in the fitness business landscape, to delve into how AI can be a powerhouse tool for personal trainers and fitness club owners. Let's explore how AI can specifically cater to members' goals like weight loss, muscle building, energy boosts and overall wellbeing.

Polic Consultants Group, LLC (PCG): VMan, it's great to have you with us. To kick things off, can you shed some light on how AI is transforming the way fitness services are sold?
Victor "VMan" Verhage (VMan): Absolutely, and thank you for having me. AI is fundamentally changing the game by personalizing the sales process. It can analyze vast amounts of data from member interactions, preferences and behaviors to predict the best packages and programs for individual goals. Imagine a system that knows a member has been researching weight loss and can suggest a tailored program even before they ask. It's about being proactive rather than reactive, which is a massive leap forward.

Victor Victor "VMan" Verhage

PCG: That sounds incredibly powerful. Can you give us specific examples of how AI can help in selling personal training packages?
VMan: Sure thing. One example is AI-powered CRM systems that track a member's journey within the club. Say a member frequently checks into the gym but hasn't joined any group classes or personal training sessions. The AI can flag this and prompt a salesperson to reach out with a personalized offer, perhaps a trial personal training session focused on energy boosting if the member has shown interest in this area.

Another example is virtual assistants or chatbots on gym websites and apps. They can engage members or prospects 24/7, answering queries about personal training packages, booking trial sessions and even providing initial consultation based on predefined algorithms. This not only enhances customer service but also captures leads at any time of the day.

PCG: Fascinating! How does AI cater to the specific goals of members, such as weight loss or muscle building?
VMan: AI excels in customization and precision. For weight loss objectives, AI can analyze past successes within the gym's community and recommend the most effective personal training programs that have led to similar goals. It can also suggest nutritional guidance sessions as part of the package, enhancing the value proposition.

For muscle building, AI can help by recommending programs that include a mix of resistance training, supplementation advice and recovery techniques. By tracking progress, AI can adjust the training regimen in real-time, ensuring the member is always on the most efficient path to their goal.

PCG: In terms of increasing energy levels, how can AI play a role?
VMan: Energy levels are influenced by various factors, including exercise, diet, sleep and stress management. AI can create holistic packages that address all these aspects. For instance, it can suggest a mix of cardio, strength training, yoga sessions for stress relief and even link up with sleep tracking apps to monitor and provide recommendations for better rest. The idea is to use AI to create a 360-degree approach to boosting energy levels.

PCG: Moving on, how can AI help members move better and feel better?
VMan: AI can revolutionize functional training by using motion capture and analysis to correct form in real-time, either through on-site sensors or through members' smartphones. This immediate feedback helps prevent injuries and ensures the effectiveness of workouts, directly contributing to moving and feeling better.

For the "feel better" aspect, AI can monitor mood and stress levels through wearable devices, suggesting activities like meditation, breathing exercises or even recommending speaking to a wellness coach, all integrated within the gym's offerings.

PCG: Lastly, how can AI enhance the visual aspect, helping members look better?
VMan: Beyond just tracking weight or body measurements, AI can use advanced imaging to provide visual progress reports that show changes in body composition. This can be incredibly motivating for members. Plus, AI can tailor fashion advice based on body shape changes, partnering with health and wellness brands to offer personalized clothing suggestions that help members look their best as they transform.

PCG: With all these advancements, what should personal trainers and fitness club owners be mindful of when integrating AI into their business?
VMan: While AI offers immense benefits, it's crucial to maintain the in-person human element in fitness. Personal trainers and staff should use AI as a tool to enhance their services, not replace the personal touch and motivation they provide. Additionally, data privacy and ethical use of AI should always be top priorities to maintain trust and credibility among members.

PCG: VMan, before we wrap up, can you offer any final thoughts on the future of AI in the fitness industry?
VMan: The potential of AI in the fitness industry is just scratching the surface. As technology advances, we'll see even more personalized, dynamic, and effective ways to help members achieve their goals. It's an exciting time for fitness professionals to embrace AI.

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